Amtrak’s On-Time Performance Heads for the Supreme Court.
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Amtrak’s On-Time Performance Heads for the Supreme Court.

The fright railroads own the track over which most of Amtrak’s long-distance trains operate and if they had the choice, they would refuse to accommodate any passenger trains. The thing is, they don’t have a choice. Back around 1970, when the government permitted the privately-owned railroads to get out of the passenger business, they agreed…

Dealing with Stuff, When Stuff Happens.
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Dealing with Stuff, When Stuff Happens.

Amtrak’s on-time performance has been steadily improving, but anyone who has traveled by train more than a few times has had a trip when something has gone wrong. The locomotive breaks down. Your train is delayed over and over for freight traffic. Or there’s bad weather or a mudslide. Let’s face it: stuff happens. Losing…

Hawaiian Airlines Scores Again

Hawaiian Airlines Scores Again

I have mentioned several times here how much I like Hawaiian Airlines: great equipment, great service and an unmatched safety record. Yesterday comes word through the Department of Transportation that Hawaiian led all other U.S. airlines in three categories for the month of January: on-time performance, fewest cancelled flights and fewest lost bags. (Hawaiian has…