Old Railroad Axiom: Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.

Old Railroad Axiom: Double the Frequency; Triple the Ridership.

Wouldn’t it be fascinating if that theory could actually be put to the test! There’s almost no end of potential trains from which to choose since almost all of Amtrak’s long-distance trains* operate on a once-a-day basis and any one of them could be the one that would prove the point. But it would be…

Tearing Down Iconic Railway Stations … for What??
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Tearing Down Iconic Railway Stations … for What??

At the moment, I’m working on revisions and updates for the 4thedition of my book, All Aboard, The Complete North American Train Travel Guide. There’s going to be a new chapter in this edition – a list of ten significant railway stations. My rationale for deciding which stations to include is a bit different. Architectural…