You Don’t Have to Speak the Language to Love Boston.

You Don’t Have to Speak the Language to Love Boston.

Boston is my favorite city on the U.S. mainland. It’s a big city that doesn’t FEEL like a big city. That’s probably because there aren’t a lot of high-rise apartment buildings. People live in comfortable four-and five-story walk-ups built a century or more ago of brick and stone.   One of those, a block off Kenmore…

There Are No Strangers On a Train.
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There Are No Strangers On a Train.

People know that I’m into train travel and the subject invariably comes up when I’m in conversation with someone. For example,,my dentist/friend will be attending a conference in Chicago later this year and he’s actually thinking about taking the California Zephyr from there back to the West Coast. And good for him!  The other day,…

Think Before Sacrificing on the Altar of Commerce

Think Before Sacrificing on the Altar of Commerce

New legislation or community projects are often opposed by Chambers of Commerce or small business owners because the proposals are supposedly “anti-business.” The classic example is the inevitable breast-beating we get whenever there’s a move to raise the minimum wage: My God, we can’t do that! It’s anti-business! Horse pucky! It just means the guy…