What Will Be Passenger Rail’s Fate Under Trump?
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What Will Be Passenger Rail’s Fate Under Trump?

Amtrak could be in trouble. As we speak—and compatible with the ideology of their benefactors, the Koch Brothers—the Heritage Foundation has apparently made a number of budget and tax recommendations to the Trump Administration. Those include their entirely predictable approach to passenger rail in this country: no more subsidies for Amtrak.   As it is,…

Grassroots Support Is the Key to Getting More Trains.
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Grassroots Support Is the Key to Getting More Trains.

Efforts to improve passenger train service that seem to be making headway are those with active citizen advocacy. When the squeaky wheel is applied, it works. Uh … well, OK … let’s just say that it gets the attention of the people who could make it work. Even that takes persistence and patience and the…