60-Year-Old Mystery Solved in Amtrak Dining Car.
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60-Year-Old Mystery Solved in Amtrak Dining Car.

A writer friend of mine once told me that everyone has at least one interesting story to tell. The fun, he said, is finding it. It’s a theory I try to put into practice whenever I indulge in long-distance train travel. And there’s plenty of opportunity because Amtrak dining cars feature community seating. If you’re…

News of an Encyclopedia’s Demise Prompts a Wonderful Memory.

News of an Encyclopedia’s Demise Prompts a Wonderful Memory.

The Encyclopedia Britannica will soon be no more, just one more print publication falling victim to the internet, I suppose. While that may give rise to some vague feelings of regret, I can never think of an encyclopedia without recalling a wonderful story related by Jim Becker, one of the great journalists and raconteurs of…