Darwin and Points South on The Ghan
The Ghan arrived in Adelaide station this morning precisely on time. Not a surprise, because we sat on a siding a dozen or so miles outside of town for a half hour so we would arrive precisely on time. God forbid we should arrive 30 minutes early!
It was, nevertheless, a very enjoyable trip. I enjoyed my 18-hour stay in Darwin as well as the chance to see the vastly different countryside the train passed through for the first 8 or 10 hours south of there. That part of Australia is very tropical and, although a lot steamier than Hawaii, I nevertheless felt quite at home. For one thing, although many of the names were different, I recognized most of the trees and a lot of the vegetation.
At any rate, now that I’ve completed the two train journeys, I think my main observation is that the scenery was … disappointing is much too strong a word … let me say less spectacular and not as varied as I had imagined. However, and I know this sounds contradictory, I found the views out the train windows more interesting than I had expected, and on two levels.
First, after a while I began to notice constantly changing, but subtle differences as we traveled … more shrubbery, then less, then none, then more again; almost wild swings in the variety of colors; fewer trees, then more trees, then taller trees, then no trees (except there somehow always seemed to be one way off on the horizon); red dirt one hour, sandy colored dirt the next. The only constants were hot, barren, dry and remote! It’s no wonder that 80 percent of Australians live along the coastlines on 5 percent of the land area.
And second, after traveling across all those miles and miles, my admiration and respect for the people who live in the outback – not to mention those who first settled here – has increased a hundred fold. These Aussies are really something!
As with the east-west trip on the Indian Pacific, the Ghan stops two or three times along the way to provide opportunity for passengers to get off and take optional tours of the surrounding areas. Our first such stop on the Ghan – pronounced gan, as in ran, by the way – was in the little town of Katherine, population something like 7000. It’s the third town in the tiny print under “Darwin” on the map below, and is about 200 miles south of Darwin.
I hopped aboard a van driven by a 60ish woman, a third generation resident of the little town. Her commentary during the two hours was marvelous. She deliberately avoided talking at any length about the big-name people who first settled in the area. Instead, she spoke of several townspeople who, in her lifetime, had made significant contributions to the area.
For instance, there was Dr. Clyde Fenton, one of the original “Flying Doctors.” Starting back in the 1920s, these men flew every possble kind of aircraft miles and miles off into the outback to treat sick kids, injured stockmen (cowboys) and anyone else who needed emergency medical attention and radioed in for help. Dr. Fenton’s plane, an ancient deHaviland Gypsy Moth, is on display in a corrugated metal “hangar”, part of the town’s interesting little museum.
The local school in Katherine is named for the good doctor, who died in 1982.
Hey kid,
The fires have been in a completely different area from where I’ve been traveling but, yes, the story has dominated the news here. I posted something about it on the other blog (smatterofopinion.blogspot.com) and will add something about it here shortly.
Home tomorrow. See ya!
Dad, hopefully it is not part of your trip, but I’m a little surprised you haven’t mentioned anything yet about the terrible fires in Australia. Here in the U.S. the disaster is one of the top international news stories, and I can only imagine it’s all people are talking about in Australia. Anything you can add from your observations?