What Is It About ‘Simple’ They Don’t Understand?
Every morning when I turn on my computer, up pops a new page telling me to login to Windows Live Messenger. This all started about a week ago. I didn’t ask for it. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what it does. And whatever it is, I don‘t want it. But I don’t know how to make it stop!
I don’t want my computer or cell phone or TV remote to have a lot of “features.” I want simple. I want easy. And I want it in large type. Why can’t Sam Sung and others of his ilk understand that?
Furthermore, a helluva lot of people apparently agree with me. A couple of days ago, CNN began asking on line viewers to respond to the following question:
Does your cell phone have the features you want?
Of the almost 330,000 people who have responded so far, only 21% said NO — clearly these were the technology addicts — and 29% said YES. But 49 percent checked the box indicating “I just want it to ring.”
In other words, half the population just wants a phone that (a) makes calls and (b) receives calls. That’s it. Nothing else. What a freakin’ concept!