
Welcome to the New Web Site!

Well, here we are. You innocently decided to squander a few perfectly good minutes by taking a look at whatever I’ve got to say today and suddenly you’re whisked away to a completely unfamiliar web site.

You can’t say I didn’t warn you, though. I’ve been frustrated with Google Blogger for some time. It’s been acting up—changing fonts for no apparent reason and other frustrating format things like that. It’s also difficult for anyone to go back and look at previous posts in various topic categories. And so we switched from the Google format to one offered by WordPress.

The twordpress-logoerm I keep hearing applied to WordPress is “intuitive” — as in, “You won’t have any problems. It’s really very intuitive.” That makes me uneasy. That word describes people who have an instinctive aptitude for computers and the internet. The only thing I find intuitive is the certain knowledge that 90-percent of the Word Press bells and whistles are beyond my understanding. But so be it.

The new format is certainly more attractive and it will be a lot easier to browse among posts on specific topics that appeared months or even years earlier. It’s also going to be easier to send me your comments and I’m particularly pleased about that. There’s still some tweaking to be done, so please look the other way when you come across some things that obviously need fixing. And do make a note of the URL: www.trainsandtravel.com.

OK, enough about the new look. I’ll leave this up for the rest of the day … then tomorrow it’s back to more about trains and travel. I can hardly wait.


    1. Thanks, Don. The site needs more work, but is essentially solid. Me? I’m still shaky!

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