The New Sheriff In Town Speaks
When a new boss comes on board, everyone considered to be part of management is on edge. That’s especially true if it’s generally acknowledged that there are problems and a demonstrable need for improvement. Under those circumstances, the arrival of a new boss usually means big changes, whether it’s the local Ford dealer or—this won’t come as a surprise—Amtrak.
Last Wednesday, Amtrak employees got a five-page
from Wick Moorman, the new President and CEO. (And, yes, the word “Special” was in bold face.) Why now? Well, for one thing, it’s the start of a new year. For another, Moorman has been Amtrak boss for 90 days and everyone—people in and out of Amtrak—were waiting
The gist of the memo is that Moorman is streamlining Amtrak’s organizational structure. It’s hard for an outsider to understand the ramifications of this because that requires an intimate understanding of what the original structure was like. But by inference, it seems clear that Moorman is streamlining the company’s operations by reducing the number of divisions to six and —I love this!—having all six report directly to him.
Of particular interest, I think, is the creation of a Marketing and Business Development group. It’s broken down into six sub-groups: Northeast Corridor-Business Development, State Supported Services-Business Development, Long Distance Services-Business Development, Product Support and Management, and Marketing. Note the emphasis on Business Development.
Without being specific, there are a couple of names of people who have moved up on the chart who might better have been moved down. But, on the whole, it’s clear that Moorman is looking for more efficiency and more accountability. Furthermore, it’s clear he intends to be hands-on, in the loop and accountable. And what’s not to like about that!