Taking a Few Days Off for a Little Repair Work
Well, not “off” exactly … I’m hopping over to Honolulu this afternoon and have a date early tomorrow morning with a bright young orthopedic surgeon who is going to give me a brand new knee. I am taking my laptop along and will try to knock out a post or two while I’m in Honolulu. Otherwise, I’ll resume things here in about a week. Y’all come back, now … Hear?
I have a laptop that is in dire need of repair. The problem is that the place that the manufacturer (Toshiba) recommends has a policy of erasing the hard drive if it is damaged or “the software is corrupted”. The laptop’s hard drive is perfectly fine, but it has only Linux installed on it, and I expect that Linux will be regarded as “corrupted” software, resulting in an unnecessary erasing of the disk.laptop repair boston
Best wishes with the new knee, and thanks for returning to train talk with your debut June 7 on Travel Itch Radio via Blog Talk Radio.
Enjoy that knee. Best thing my dad has ever done.
It is necessary to take a rest & give time to repair work.Petter Joe