It’s Official: The Two Newbie Governors Blew It.
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It’s Official: The Two Newbie Governors Blew It.

To re-cap: back a year ago, the Obama Administration announced that $8 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would be given to a select number of states to get them started on plans for high-speed rail corridors within their borders. A very large chunk of that money – almost $1.2 billion – was…

Spending Billions to Save MEGA-Billions

Spending Billions to Save MEGA-Billions

It sure looks like the Obama Administration is serious about more and better and faster trains. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood met recently with several members of Congress from upstate New York and was apparently very encouraging when asked about a high-speed rail link between Albany and Buffalo. Amtrak trains are now making that 300-mile trip…

So … Another Republican for the Obama Cabinet?

So … Another Republican for the Obama Cabinet?

Subject to confirmation by an official announcement, the word is that Barack Obama’s choice for the new Secretary of Transportation is Ray LaHood, a Member of Congress from Illinois. LaHood is also a Republican which, I suppose, is further evidence of Obama’s desire to encourage if not promote a bi-partisan approach to dealing with America’s…