A Few Snippets About Passenger Rail and Subsidizing the Airlines

A Few Snippets About Passenger Rail and Subsidizing the Airlines

I have always nurtured the hope that it would be just a question of time before the media, responsible elected officials, and thoughtful tax-paying folks begin the transition from unsure to sure on the subject of passenger rail. It’s happening! A high-speed rail line connecting Ohio’s state capital, Columbus, with Chicago is being discussed and…

Bay Area Transit Woes Should Provide a Lesson … But Don’t.

Bay Area Transit Woes Should Provide a Lesson … But Don’t.

In the late 1950s, the first talks began about designing and building a commuter rail system connecting the metropolitan areas around the Bay Area and linking everything to San Francisco. The idea was ambitious and visionary. The vocal opponents proclaimed that ridership estimates had been inflated, that cost estimates had been minimized, and that crippling…