Resolution Urges Public Transportation.

It’s heartening to report that the Cincinnati Chapter of the NAACP has come down firmly on the side of public transportation. And they’ve done it the right way . . . that is, with a formal resolution stating their conviction that affordable public transportation should be accessible to all Americans.

 Their plan is to have NAACP chapters in every state present their resolution to their own legislative bodies and then campaign for its passage. it’s an important and serious subject and—dad-gummit!—they’re right! And we ought to know because it’s the same position NARP has taken in supporting Amtrak’s long-distance trains, which are the only practical public transportation available to many millions of Americans all across the west and mid-west.
I won’t reproduce the entire resolution here because there are five WHEREAS’s and even when they get to the resolution itself, there are four paragraphs still to come.
But that’s OK, because the key point of their resolution is where they affirm “public transportation to be a basic civil right that is accessible to all, regardless of a citizen’s address, race, age, religion, nationality, gender, orientation, or physical and financial ability.”
And it continues, “THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the NAACP will advocate for legislation in every states’ constitution [declaring] public transportation to be a basic civil right that is accessible to all, regardless of a citizen’s address, race, age, religion, nationality, gender, orientation, or physical and financial ability.”
One would think that this resolution is something all Americans would support almost without question. Alas, not today … not in these times with a mean-spirit abroad in the land. There will be opposition.
OK then, bring it on!

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