New Equipment for Amtrak? OK, SHOW ME THE MONEY!
Well, as promised, Amtrak has announced plans for the purchase of new equipment. The first phase of the program, which Amtrak describes as “priority,” will include the purchase of a number of different locomotives and passenger cars.
They plan to replace all of the AEM-7 locomotives (these are the electric locomotives that operate along the Northeast corridor) with new ones that have an Acela “look” to them.
In addition, Amtrak wants to move into a new generation of high-speed diesel locomotives that will be more fuel-efficient. Furthermore, an RFP has already been put out for a bunch of new Viewliner sleeping cars.
This is an ambitious program that will take time and money … and a lot of both. Amtrak’s estimate is that it will be almost 25 years before they’re able to retire all of the equipment earmarked for replacement. The cost estimate is $28 billion in today’s dollars.
But this absolutely must be done! I have mentioned here on other occasions that the expected life of a rail car is 50 years. I can’t say for sure, but Amtrak’s “heritage” equipment has to be that old and they started adding Superliners to the fleet back in 1975.
Unless or until Amtrak has a dedicated source of funding, they will fighting an annual battle for money, which makes any kind of long-range planning almost impossible. Some years ago, it was proposed to add a penny a gallon to the gas tax and designate that revenue for Amtrak. To me, an approach like that makes a lot of sense.
I like the idea of an infrastructure bank funded by a less then 1% tax on non-pension stock transactions. With that kind of money behind rail you could do a lot of things.
Since it is the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.............................................