Home Again … New Knee and All. Now What?

My thanks to those who took the time to email wishing me well on the knee replacement. Very kind of you, and much appreciated. I expect to be resuming a normal blogging schedule within a few more days.

In the meantime, I’m happy to report that everything went well and I am back home on Maui (the surgery was done in Honolulu).

There’s an old joke in which a patient comes to his doctor with a complaint.

“Doc”, he says, “it hurts when I do this.” To which the exasperated physician replies, “Then stop doing it!”

I was introduced to a whole new concept during my first physical therapy session the other day. The new approach is, “Does it hurt when you do that? Good! Give me ten reps!”

Compared to the physical therapy, the surgery was a piece of cake.

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