A Tale of Four Rivers.
Here are photos of four very different rivers. Each one was taken from a train. Crossing rivers on a moving train has always been interesting for me. I’m not sure why. On the other hand, maybe it’s the bridges I find so interesting.
This is the Pecos River in Texas. Photo taken from the westbound Sunset Limited as we’re crossing the 275-foot high bridge.
This photo was taken from the Southwest Chief just after leaving the Fort Madison, Iowa, station. We’re about to cross the Mighty Mississippi. Illinois is on the other side.
This is the Finke River in Australia. It’s described in my encyclopedia as “a major intermittent river in Australia.” My car attendant said when they passed this spot a week ago, the river was a torrent. The photo was taken from Australia’s wonderful north-south trans-continental train, The Ghan, en route from Darwin to Adelaide.
This is VIA Rail’s flagship train, The Canadian, en route from Toronto to Vancouver. Jasper, Alberta, is about an hour up ahead. I have no idea what the river is–the Fraser, perhaps–but I like this photo. Makes me want to take a train ride somewhere. . . to anywhere.