A Few Mini-Thoughts.

I have tried over the years to put up a new post–something worth reading– every three or four days. It’s been more than that this time due to a three-day stay in the local hospital.

Coming home from town the other day, I sat down at the computer with every intention of sending another post your way when . . .

. . . two hours later, I’m lying on my bedroom floor and my wife is trying to get me up. She called the paramedics and the upshot is I’ve been in the local hospital for the last three days.

Verdict: low blood sugar was the cause.

I have a meeting with my doc tomorrow at which time he will try to explain how too much sugar causes diabetes, button not enough blood sugar causes you to fall asleep on your bedroom floor and the paramedics have to come for you. And good luck to him!

At any rate, things will soon be back to what passes for normal here. There are some emails that have gone unanswered and I will get to those as soon as my supervisor will permit it.

My most sincere thanks to those responsible for the several emails checking on me. You guys may be mainlanders, but you know what aloha means.

Aloha pumehana,


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