Of This and That …

My apologies: I have neglected this column. There was a time when I put up new posts here five and six times a week. The content ideas just kept coming and so did the words. If you’re a writer, there’s nothing like the feeling you get when the words and the phrases just come pouring out and they’re the right ones.

There are something like a half-million words in the English language and, if you can believe Norrie Orchard, the extraordinary teacher of English with whom I was blessed through all four years of high school, no two of those words have the same precise meaning.

I’m pleased to say that I still seem to be able to do it . . . that is, find the right word to convey a very precise meaning. However, I will admit that, start to finish, it’s taking longer. Of course, that’s pretty much true of just about everything else, too.

Finally, of possible interest to some of you, I’m finishing up work on a book that includes a number of stories about my train trips to interesting parts of the globe, plus stories of some funny interactions with some interesting people. It will be another few weeks, but I’ll let you know here as soon as it’s available.