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COMING SOON! The New Web Site with Expanded Format.

The new web site is coming along quite nicely. It’s going to be a good deal more comprehensive than this one, with a lot more bells and whistles. At least that’s the way it seems to me. Of course the person setting it up keeps telling me that it’ll be basic and bare bones. Of course, her “basic and bare bones” is my “complex and confusing”.
But there will be some really interesting features. Somehow she managed to get most of my previous posts into several different buckets. So, for example, if you wanted to find something having to do with BASEBALL or HAWAII or EUROPEAN TRAIN TRIPS, there’s are tabs you can click on and … voila!
There is, of course, a downside to this feature: In looking it over and skimming through a lot of previous posts, I discovered that I have written about a number of specific incidents more than once. I guess that’s OK, because most of those stories and anecdotes were posted several years apart, and each was written fresh. Furthermore, they’re all true and — at least it seems so to me — all of them are interesting or funny or worth hearing about for some reason.
I suppose I’ll get used to it in due course, but right now I think the new format is good looking, organized, thorough, impressive … although a bit complicated. The real test, of course, is going to be what you think of it.
There’s no formal ETA for the launch yet, but I will be fun just to surprise you with it. One of these days it will pop up instead of what you expected to see. The link from this to the new site will be automatic, of course. When it does happen, I will be most grateful if you would give it a couple of days, poke around a little bit, then let me know what you think. What you think … what you really think … matters.
For that, and for the interest you’ve shown and the kind words you’ve expressed about my efforts over the past 1100-plus posts, mahalo nui loa! Thanks very much!


  1. Looks interesting. Any idea if there will be a bar with the latest (say the last 5 or 10) comments on all previous posts?

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