Here It Comes … and There’s No Place to Hide

When the weather starts turning cold on the mainland, we constantly hear complaints from friends and relatives there. Invariably, they say they’re sure our weather is gorgeous and they wish they could swap theirs for ours.

Oh, yeah … Take a look at the current Hawaii weather, courtesy of the National Weather Service! (Well, as of about noon today, our time.) We’re surrounded by rain … heavy rain, which is all that yellow and brown stuff. It’s all circling counter-clockwise and it’s just a matter of time before we get it.

When it rains here, it really pours, especially in this part of the island where we’ll routinely get a couple of inches overnight.

The year we moved into our house, run-off from heavy rains ran over our driveway and scoured off all the gravel in a 50-foot section. We had it repaired — ca-ching! — but it happened again two years later. So we bit the bullet — ca-ching! ca-ching! — and had a real culvert put in … four 12-inch pipes. Last year, we had another big storm and water ran through and over the culvert, scouring off the gravel in a 50-foot section.

Such is life in “paradise.”