A Few Things (of Many) I Don’t Understand

I don’t understand why people lug three huge suitcases on a week-long trip.

I don’t understand why an attractive 18-year-old girl carries a teddy bear under her arm when she travels … even into the dining car.

I don’t understand why a mother would get off the train in Shelby, Montana, and not realize her two kids were still aboard.

I don’t understand why an impeccably-dressed, movie-star-handsome young man would be sporting a ring in his lip and a Mohawk haircut.

I don’t understand why a 50ish woman, short and seriously overweight, would have purple hair.

I don’t understand why graffiti “artists” do large, multi-colored and elaborate lettering that can’t be deciphered.

I don’t understand why girls don’t realize that big tattoos call attention to bad legs and distract attention from good legs.

And, finally, I don’t understand why people traveling by train aren’t constantly fascinated simply by observing their fellow passengers.